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The information, techniques, and practices shared within this course are intended to equip students with the foundational skills and knowledge necessary for a career in barbering. However, the following disclaimers apply:

  • Educational Purpose Only: The content provided in this course is for educational purposes only. It is not intended as professional advice or a guarantee of employment or business success.
  • State and Local Regulations: Barbering regulations, licensing requirements, and industry standards vary by state and locality. Students are responsible for understanding and complying with the specific requirements in their area. Completion of this course does not guarantee eligibility for state or local licensure.
  • Safety and Hygiene: While this course emphasises proper safety and hygiene practices, the course provider is not liable for any injuries or health issues that may arise from improper use of barbering tools and techniques. Students must exercise caution and follow all safety guidelines provided.
  • Skill Development: Mastery of barbering skills requires practice and experience beyond the scope of this course. Students are encouraged to seek additional hands-on training and mentorship to further develop their proficiency.
  • Product and Equipment Use: Recommendations for tools, products, and equipment are based on general industry standards. Students should independently verify the suitability and safety of any tools or products before use. The course provider is not responsible for any adverse effects resulting from the use of recommended tools or products.
  • Course Updates: The field of barbering is constantly evolving. While the course content is regularly updated to reflect current practices, the course provider cannot guarantee that all information will remain current. Students are encouraged to stay informed about industry trends and advancements.
  • No Liability: The course provider, instructors, and affiliates are not liable for any damages, losses, or injuries that may occur as a result of participating in this course or applying the techniques learned.

By enrolling in The Barber Academy Online Courses, students acknowledge and accept these disclaimers and agree to take full responsibility for their learning, practice, and professional development.

Contact The Barber Academy Support team – – 1800 431 327