Essential tools you need for barbering
Quality tools are a sign of any good trade and barbering is no different. Every barber needs a good barbering kit to work with when cutting and styling hair.
This is the barbering kit we teach our barbering students to use as a standard set of tools for everyday use in your barbershop. Over your career you will use multiple types of scissors and clippers, you will find ones that suit your style and even your personality, but the kit you use will alway be basically the same.
Quality Barber Kit
Your essential tools of the trade
To complete the course at The Barber Academy you will need a professional barbering kit and mannequin heads.
Your equipment will need to be professional quality so you can cut clients hair during your course and continue to use the tools as you start your new barbering career.
*All Certificate 3 in Barbering and Barbering Fundamentals Elite Students will receive a full kit as part of their enrolment.

Barber Kit FAQ’s
What Barber Kit and Tools do I need
The Barber Academy recommends all students who want a career in barbering purchase a full kit. These kits are a requirement for all Certificate III in Barbering students and highly recommended for all Cert II and Short Course students as it is important to learn how to use these tools effectively. Download Barber Kit Essential List
All Certificate 3 in Barbering and Barbering Fundamentals Elite Students will receive a kit as part of their enrolment.
Where can I buy barber tools and kits?
The Barber Academy has access to professional level kits or you can purchase tools from any online or local barbering supplier.
Why do I need all these barber tools?
In your career as a barber you will use many variations of clippers, scissors, trimmer and hair products. You need to learn how these tools work, how they cut hair and you need to use them effectively. The Barber Academy Kit is a standard set of tools that every barber needs to use and you will learn how to use each tool during your course.
Can I use any type or brand of barber tools?
Yes, you can buy any brand, colour or style of tools for your barber kit as long as you have the essentials kit ready when you start your course.