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The White Ribbon Australia Digital Barber Shop is a resource hub for men and boys who want to prevent violence against women. The resources cover everything from how to have respectful relationships, to how to talk to your mates about violence against women.

If you want to learn about preventing violence, visit the Digital Barber Shop at and take a look at the menu. The menu will have a list of all the Barber Shop resources, each named after an iconic haircut, and will give you a brief overview of what that resource offers. You can go through this list at your own pace, but we have a couple of suggestions where to start.

Tip One – Start with the Style Guide

The Style Guide is a quick guide with practical steps that men can take every day to make change.

Tip Two – Start challenging ideas about what it means to be a man with The Undercut and The Full Shave.

The Undercut is all about the Man Box Study by Jesuit Social Services. The Man Box Study looked at the pressure men felt to follow invisible rules on how to be a man and how that pressure had a negative impact on men. The Undercut will help you start looking at the power the Man Box rules have on your life and helps you start thinking about who you are when they aren’t any expectations put on you. After this you can move on to The Full Shave, a step-by-step guide on challenging yourself to think differently.

Tip Three – Take a look at the resources that reflect where you’re at in life.

Are you a dad who wants to raise respectful kids? Then check out The Mohawk. Are you in a relationship and want to learn more about communication and respectful behaviour? Take a look at The Mullet. Or maybe you need to know more about consent and respect in sexual relationships? Then The Pompadour is what you’re looking for. And if you have mates who might mean well, but say the wrong thing, then The Topknot is your go-to resource for calling other men in.

Tip Four – End with violence prevention.

Both The Man Bun and The Long Beard will show you how to step up and stop violence. These resources give you practical advice on what to do if you see violence occurring.

So, if you are thinking about becoming a barber or need to polish up your current barbering skills to an advanced level, check out our Barbering courses on our website or contact us at